Sunday 30 June 2013

Information Literacy

Why should we learn Information Literacy?

- IL skills are the Foundation of modern democratic society
- Using information and technology in an effective way

Problems faced due to lack of information skills

- Using Limited or inappropriate sources of information
- Being disorganized
- Finding incomplete information
- Communicating the information ineffectively
- Accessing outdated information
- Using inaccurate or misleading information
- Being inefficient and wasting time in research.

There are six types of IL which are relevant in understanding this subject. They are given below
1. Library Literacy
2. Media Literacy
3. Internet Literacy
4. Research Literacy

5. Critical Thinking Literacy

Information Literacy:

Information literacy is a framework to solve problems. There is a process to solve problems, called Big six(6).

Big six(6) is the processes we take to solve problems via information literacy, and consist of:

1- Task definition: In this step we define the problem and it's requirements, and we generate questions that helps in clarify and define the task.

2- Information seeking behavior: We seek information by following two strategies, Determine range resources, and prioritize sources.

3- Location and access: In this step we locate the sources by seeking the appropriate sources   and we find or select the understandable information.

4- Information use: We engage with information( read, hear, view, touch ), after that we extract the information.

5- Synthesis: It's about to organize the collected information before we present it.

6- Evaluation: It's the last step in the process where we judge the process we followed to
collect the information and we judge the product that we got as a result or a solution of following the six steps. There are six standards in which we evaluate the sources, currency, accuracy, content, relevant, authority, useful.


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