This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Sixth week learnt about Microsoft Office

Word Processing Skills: MS Word Basic
1st session

In week 6 we learnt about  Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office includes a wide variety of programs such as:

Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft One Note, Microsoft Info Path, Microsoft SharePoint Workspace, Microsoft Communicator, Microsoft Web Apps.

Basic Text Operations

The basics of working with text includes seven components:

- Insert
- Delete
- Select
- Copy, cut and paste text
- Drag and drop text
- Find and Replace Text
- Save
- Printing

Word Processing Skills: MS word Advanced & Activity
2nd session & 3rd session

Advanced Microsoft Word

Styles and Templates

Customizing Tables and Creating Charts

Creating Mail Merge Documents

 Working with Hyperlink

Thursday 15 November 2012

Fifth weeek MS Windows Operating System (latest version)

Anatomy of MS Windows OS
1st session

Our lecturer taught us about MS Windows 7.The lecturer told us that Microsoft created the operating system Windows in 1985. The latest is Windows 7 which was released in 2009. Then the lecturer told that decreasing Start Up and Shutdown times by 20 seconds, Go to Sleep and Resume faster, Use up less Memory, Pop up Search results faster, Reconnect to Wireless Network more quickly, Recognize USB devices faster are the aims of Windows 7.Then we learnt about the main elements of Windows 7.

  • Windows OS History                   
  • Microsoft Windows                                                     
  • Anatomy of Windows 7
   > Aero view 

          Aero Peek
          Aero Snap
          Aero Flip



          Aero Shake

          > Taskbar

          > Search
          > Libraries

          > Gadgets

MS Windows OS File Manangement
2nd session
  1. Windows 7 File Management
  1. Managing Files and  Folders
  1. Efficient File Management
  1. Types of Libraries
  • Documents
  • Pictures
  • Music
  • Videos 

     5. Search Options and Features   

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Fourth Week on Networking Concepts

Basic Concepts of Networking
1st Session

It is simply a group of interconnected computers.
Example: Internet, ATM, home network

Major Network components:

-communication media
- Interconnecting device
- Computers
- networking software
- applications

Basic Networking Concepts:
1. Topology
2. Protocol
3. Architecture

Third week on Software and OS...

Software and Operating System
1st Session

Software drives the hardware with the data or instructions. It has 3 categories:

1. System Software
2. Application Software
3. Programming Language

Software Layers

It includes processes to link between the user and hardware.

Operating Systems

 It is the most important software in all computer systems. It is also called a platform program.
The functions of OS are following:

1. Starting and shutting down of a computer
2. Providing a user interface
3. Managing programs
4. Managing memory
5. Monitoring performance
6. Controlling a network
7. Configuring devices

User Interface

Two types:
1. GUI
2. Command-line interface

Utility Programs

These are used to improve the functions of a computer. OS includes some built-in UP, but most of the users buy these additionally.

Programming Languages
2nd Session

Programming language is a set of words, abbreviations and symbols that enables a programmer to communicate instructions to a computer.
- It is a tool to create & modify programs
- It is a language to communicate between user and computer

Generations of PL

1. Machine Language
2. Assembly Language
3. Procedural Language
4. Object-oriented Language
5. Natural Language

Application Software and Its Installation Procedures
3rd Session

Application Software improves four different sectors:

1. Business
2. Graphics and multimedia
3. Home, personal and educational task
4. Communications

Second Week in ICT Class...Advance knowledge on Computer

Computer History
1st Session

We began again a new week of our ICT class and on the 1st Session we got to know about the Computer History. We learnt about the milestones in the history of computer development. We learnt that The early computer called Abacus used to be used before 1940s. From 1940-1950 it was the age of 1st Generation. During this time they developed Vacuum Tube. From 1950-64 it was the age of Transistor development also called as the 2nd Generation? The 3rd Generation used IC (Integrated Circuit). It was from 1964-1974. The 4th Generation is using VLSI and semiconductor chip; we are living in this generation. We also got to know the First IBM Computer falls under this category. What about the 5th Generation? They are considered from present till the future. We imagine they will develop artificial intelligence and will use advanced technology in various sectors of human life.

Computer Architecture

It refers to the concept of hardware and software and the interconnection between them with the performance and capability of a computer. We learned computer architecture includes processor, memory, I/O (Input/Output) system, Control unit and ALU. ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit. We also learned 1 byte = 8 bits.

We got to know about the categories of computers: 

1. Embedded Computers
2. Mobile Devices
3. Personal computers
4. Mid-range Servers
5. Mainframes
6. Supercomputers.

then we had an assignment on the following topic.

Computer Hardware: Motherboard, CPU and Main Memory
2nd Session

System Unit is the 1st topic to talk about. We learnt that System Unit components are:
1. Processor
2. Memory
3. Expansion Cards
4. Ports and Connectors

Motherboard and Processor

Now What does Motherboard do? It is the main circuit board in system unit. It contains Chips, ICs and transistors. The Processor is the main part of the computer. Sometimes it is called as CPU. It processes the data and controls the computer.

Central Processing Unit

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. Memory and Processor are the main parts of CPU. I acts as the brain of the computer. It has two parts. Control Unit (CU) and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).

Architecture of CPU

It includes Input, Output, Secondary Storage, Memory, Registers, CU and ALU. Data conversion to Information is one of the main tasks of CPU.
At first Data is sent through Input devices. Then it sends the data to Registers and then to CU through ALU it again comes back to Registers.  Then it sends to Memory. the Memory sends to Output devices. If the user wants to store the data, Memory sends the data to Secondary Storage.

Main Memory

There are two parts: RAM & ROM
       1. RAM (Random Access Memory)
       2. ROM (Read Only Memory)
RAM vs ROM??
Through ROM we can only read data. But to write the data we need PROM, EPROM, or EEPROM. ROM is non-volatile in nature. RAM is just opposite. It is volatile indeed and we can write and read data as well.

Computer Hardware: Storage and I/O Devices
3rd Session


1. The milestones of computer development in the history and about the five generations.

2. Computer architecture includes Processor, Memory, ALU, Control unit and I/O system.

3. The categories of computers.

4. The architecture of a computer system and the internal operations led by CPU.

First week in ICT Class...A new experience

Ice-Breaking Session
1st session

We started our class with ice-breaking session. First our lecturer introduced  himself with the name Mr. Azamuddin AB Rahman. Everybody was intruduing himself/herself and often there created a serial of jokes with the pronunciation of students name.It was so funny moment and great that he was so free and soon got mixed with us. Then he talked about overview of the course outline,tests and assignments.

Basic concept on computer and the computer components
2nd session

We learnt about the basic of a computer. I saw some of us were advanced and some of us were backwards. But our lecturer made evereything easy for us. The first question was what is a computer?
computer is a machine that can do mathmetical operations and information processing. Next point was about the Computer Operations which  include
1. Input
2. Processing
3. Output
4. Storage
In the next slide we learnt the about the difference between data,information and the basic concept of Hardware and Software.

Hardware includes: Input devices,Output devices,System unit,Storage devices and Communication devices.
Software includes: System software and Application software.

Then we learnt about Computer Characteristics are those are- Speed, Reliability, Consistency, Storage, Communication and so on.

                                               Computer Components (Hardware)
Number System:
3rd session

We learnt about the four (Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal) number systems.          

Decimal: It uses tens numerals to from a string of numbers. The values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Binary: 0 and 1 are the only two numerals of Binary number system.

Octal: Octal number system uses 8 numerals and they are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
Hexadecimal: Hexadecimal number System uses 16 symbols including numerals and letters. They are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F.

Later we learnt how to convert from Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal and from other numbering system to Decimal. For some of us it was totally a new topic.

And there was an in-class activity which motivated us in learning how to convert decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal within one another.


After the 1st week finished we learned basic concepts about computer. We learnt -

1. Computer is a programmable machine which can not only does computation but also does a lot of things including entertainment, knowledge sharing and information storage and so on.

2. There are two types of computer components: Hardware and Software

3. We learned about the classification of Hardware and Software.

4. We also got to know about Different Numbering Systems and how to convert them from one to another.

5. Finally we also understood this number system helps human's instructions to convert to computer's understandable language.